All posts by Michael Roberts

I make things easy to use.

Milk crate PC “case”

Q: What do you call someone who spends more than $3.48 on a new PC case?

A: A perfectly normal, rational person.

This is actually a staging rig for upgrades for the kids’ PC. I’m upgrading the motherboard, switching to an SSD, and switching from Windows 10 Pro 32 bit to 64 bit (I know), and this allows me to do so with minimal disruptions to their Minecraft machine. Also, orange milk crate!

Atari HTPC



It’s a Light Sixer Sears Tele-Games with a thin Mini-ITX motherboard and a 120gb SSD. It’s a Celeron 847 (not exactly a hoss), but it doesn’t do too poorly with “vanilla” Minecraft on Windows 10.

Since these pics I’ve cut out more of the bottom of the unit and routed the cables more tightly for cooling. I also added a blue power LED that needs a resistor, as it’s blindingly bright at night.
