WIP: Stormtrooper Atari 2600

As a riff on the all-black “Vader” 2600s, I made a white/black “Stormtrooper” case.


The text is die-cut using Erikstormtrooper’s “Sith Prophecy” font. It does read “Video Computer System” above the slot and “Atari 2600” on the front panel.

I know what you’re going to say – text on an a Stormtrooper’s Atari console would be in Aurebesh  – and that learning the ancient language of the Sith would probably mean certain death for a Stormtrooper. Let’s just say a whole bunch of the clumsy lugs chipped in and had a unit built especially for Lord Vader. Consider it the lost segment of the Star Wars Holiday Special.